2 min readJun 7, 2021

Message to the people of CastleFinance:

When we look to celebrate the friendship, spirit of unity, and the joy of giving, we’re given the opportunity to reflect on a time like no other. We’ve spoken to our people, they have expressed that the lords of each land handled the farms poorly and unreliably.

Knowing that the lords employ scheming measures like botting services, the royal family had to sieve out the evil roots and personally stepping in. Thus, we bring forth a revolutionary and up-to-date Automatic Deflationary Yield Farm

The royal family appreciates your support and will be rolling out major measures to ensure the stability and security of these farms, ensuring that our people garner what is rightfully theirs. These measures include:

1) Counter Bot Measures

Our Anti-Whaling Mechanism allows a maximum transfer of 0.5% of the supply. This in turn prevents bots from mass purchasing and dumping which will help to sustain the price point for $KING.

2) Transfer Tax

We will be implementing an Automatic Liquidity system where there is a transfer tax of 5% for every transaction. 80% of the tax will be added into liquidity pool via the contract. LP will be burned and we will transfer ownership of the token to MasterChef.

3) Referrals

We know our words can only be amplified if you spread the word. Because of this, we are initiating a significant percentage of 20% for the first 3 days [Jun 2021 — Jun 2021]. If you invite your friends, you’ll be receiving 20% of their earnings

4) Emission Reduction System

To ensure that our people get the best yield, we are imposing an Automatic Emission Reduction which would be adjusted accordingly. To make sure APR achieves stability, there will be an initial time period of 12 hours where the emission rate is set at 1 $KING per block.

To find out more information:








Forthcoming & Innovative Yield Farm on Binance Smart Chain.